Good, bad & ugly
Being an 'indie', has both good and bad points. For me, not having anyone breathing down my neck (except for a few fans asking for more) is essential. I cannot work to writing deadlines, due to my fluctuating chronic health condition and fatigue. If I had unmovable time scales, and others relying on me writing regularly, I would likely give it all up! It would not work for me. This way I control my own time frames, it is a huge plus.
So let's begin with the writing, the actual creative part. Squeezing the words out onto the page, or occasionally being unable to get them down quick enough. The reason for all of this. It is both a curse and a joy, a release and a bind. But to me, it is still a positive thing and I feel lucky to have this in my life.
Now, the negatives. Being an indie for me, means I am a one- man band. Once the writing is done, the editing begins and the re-editing, and then editing edits. Oh and did I mention editing? This is probably harder than the initial writing stage. I think I could keep editing until there is only one paragraph left- being self-critical is a writer's curse. There is such a thing as over-editing and I think this is particularly so, when editing your own work. (I think I am seeing how many times I can use the word editing in one blog post.)
Let's say the editing is done and the book is ready to go...(please note that my experience of self-publishing is purely with Amazon, so this is based on that.) Next comes the formatting and designing of the cover, which must be within copyright laws etc. If you are on a tight budget like me, there is not much wiggle room for paying for this to be done. There is so much riding on an appealing cover, and I am a writer, not a designer. Choosing a blurb, and deciding on a price - it has become a bigger project than the creative process which kicked this whole thing off!!
Then, the launch. Scary does not come close to describing the fear. It is terrifying to give a book to the world. For me, I think I would be less scared to post a naked picture. The wondering whether people will like what you have written, or if it is any good after all, eats away at you. To be honest, in writing this post, I am actually talking myself out of ever writing again!
Then there can be issues later on. For example, errors that you didn't see in any of your 50 edits, because you become blind to your own words. Or, like when Amazon suddenly decided to take down my book because they were not satisfied my cover met copyright laws, despite me providing information to prove it was legit. This meant changing my covers, which isn't really ideal when trying to self-promote, and create an identity. Being a tiny book on the gigantic Amazon, means it is extremely hard to be seen, and now having different covers showing on searches, muddies the water somewhat.
Then begins the relentless self-promotion. I am no sales person. Having to sell myself/my books is so out of my comfort zone, that I am more likely to talk someone out of buying them.
But, I am learning. I am working hard on accepting myself as an AUTHOR and despite it all, a third book is in the first stage of creation...
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